Burnt rubber and blood red
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Göteborgstryckeriet (GBGT) is one of Europe's leading premium print houses. Founded in 1918, GBGT have since long established themselves as the printer of choice for the uncompromising designer. Working with a clientele operating at the very top of their respective segments, the printing house has become synonymous with work and service of the highest quality.
The company operates in different business areas: Göteborgstryckeriet, BusinessPrint and Box&Display. Each department specialises in a specific type of production, but they also collaborate extensively with the goal of offering an integrated service. In 2016, Göteborgstryckeriet acquired the packaging and display specialist Emko and immediately started the process of modernising their offering, integrating it with their already established Box&Display services.
One of the new packaging services that Göteborgstryckeriet can provide is Rigid Boxes. "Rigid Boxes are the perfect packaging for products that deserve a unique form of presentation. They reveal a stylish exterior completely devoid of any glued edges or other lacklustre details. Instead all corners join seamlessly together at 90 degrees." (from gbgt.se)
The new service was announced through a campaign, which was rolled out at Guldäggsgalan (The Golden Egg, advertising awards) in Stockholm, and across a range of applications including a printed catalogue, popcorn packaging for events and on billboard LED-screens in Gothenburg. It also featured a campaign section on the GBGT website.
Lundgren+Lindqvist art directed and shot the campaign together with photographer Carl Ander. The campaign built on top one of Göteborgstryckeriets earlier campaigns; the Chameleon Cabin – a house built entirely out of paper. For this campaign, we brought in three live chameleons and a cricket, which we allowed to interact with a landscape consisting of Rigid Boxes of various sizes and forms.
- Art Direction: Lundgren+Lindqvist
- Photography: Carl Ander
- Post Production: Carl Ander and Lundgren+Lindqvist